Sunday, November 19, 2006

THE 1st post. **drumroll**applause** ya ryt.

So as all my friends have been blogging their hearts out & me being completely bored,I finally decide i should blog too as soo many people have been anticipating The Blog from The Shailja. Yeah right i am sure none of my frieds will ever stumble across this blog of mine & as a matter of fact i wont let anyone who knows me read this 'thing' too. So after recovering my pasword as well as my 3 ids i finally try to put my thoughts together and crap it all out. Best part. I got alot to write. Worst part. Im blank. Lol
This like happens everytime i try to write,trust me i have big plans & wishes & dreams to write songs & poems which will someday be remembered as legendary! But my clouds somehow rarely have silver linings,so worst part about my dreams is the reality. I cant rhyme enough to make sense & express my feelings at the same time. My rhymes make no sense. I can never express myself in songs & poems or even blog entries like this one. So ok whatever..i'll try to make some sense...happy reading though caution my words may make no sense & may leave in a state of utter shock & u may even come to the conclusion that you don't know me at all. This mightonly happen if you claim to know me at all. If you don't know me then its ok but if you're a friend then read at your own risk. The author will not be held responsible for any shock or aftermaths & the author already foresees the fact that you might come up with riduculous rumours & even break whatever friendship ties you have with her. So warning is read at your own risk.